Singapore Boys' Brigade 79th Company

The Boys’ Brigade is an organisation that is committed to nurturing the Youth to serve and lead. The aim of The Boys’ Brigade is to help Boys develop and grow in Christian character; to train Boys to become loyal and responsible citizens and to promote Boys’ physical fitness and develop their leadership potential.

The method of achieving the BB aim is by providing a meaningful and enjoyable programme of spiritual, physical, enrichment, and social interests, based on Christian Education and Discipline, and guided by adult officers.

Through the framework of uniform, badges and drill, the habits of discipline, self-respect, grooming and teamwork are developed in each Boy according to his needs and capacity.

The Boys’ Brigade in Henderson, also known as the 79th Company, our partnering officers from St John St Margaret Church aids us in our efforts to develop the Boys holistically.

Over the years, we have grown from strength to strength- be it in numbers or achievements. They took part in various activities and competitions such as Adventure Quest, Character Quest, BB cares, Share a Gift and overseas CIP programme. Through the various activities, they were given platforms to develop their leadership potential.

As a young company, the 79th Company of Boys’ Brigade has made its progress – sure and steadfast. Having clinched the J.M. Fraser Gold Award in 2004, 2006 and 2010; Silver Award in 2005, 2007 to 2009 and 2011 to 2012;Bronze Award in 2013. Boys, officers and teachers are committed to strive hard so as to bring the company and school to greater heights.

‘Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.’ – Albert

Friday, February 19, 2016

Bri-Guides Outing

This morning, the Bri-Guides of our school went for an adventurous and enriching Learning Journey to Gardens By The Bay(Bay South) for The Future of Us Exhibition. Despite the continuous pouring of rain, we still managed to have a great time enjoying the exhibition and spending time with each other.

We started the day at about 09:40 a.m.

 The Future Express

Theatre of Generations

Our Bri-Guide girls from GB
Panorama shots

Symphony of the City

  Our Bri-Guide girls from GG

Home Tommorrow
Panorama shot

Blue Skies-
This is where we wrote our wishes for the future Singapore

Here are some of of wishes

After the Exhibition, we went over to the bridge to take some group pictures

As a whole, the Learning Journey was really amazing,
and it gave us an idea of how Singapore will be in the future.

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